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A Family Operation

Hello and welcome to Wind Song Acres. This may be your first visit to our site, or perhaps, you have known us from the start. In 2003, and mostly by accident, I created my Soap business. I was working as a science teacher at Norwich High School at the time, and another teacher mentioned to me that she made her own soap! I thought this sounded like fun and looked up some easy recipes and as they say, the rest is history. I'm retired now, from teaching that is, and still at it, albeit a tad larger than when I started experimenting in my kitchen.

My Dad, putting the soap away to cure.

Before I knew it I had lots of people helping me. I come from an Italian family, and anyone with an Italian heritage knows that one does not simply go into business by themselves, it soon becomes a family affair. You don't ask them for help, they just start showing up. Always with food, because you can never have enough to eat.

It has been a wonderful journey so far and we could not have accomplished what we have without the help and support from our family and friends! We are very thankful for them, and of course we are also extremely thankful for your support as well. You've given us the opportunity to live the life we love, and we will continue our commitment to making healthy, natural, and quality products for both our family and yours!


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Wind Song Acres LLC

"Purposefully Designed, Simply Made"


A family run soap shop in Plymouth, NY

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